5 Tips for Autumn Events

Planning an outdoor event should be exciting, with almost limitless venues and open space to make your own! However, there is no denying that this can become stressful and some things are inevitably overlooked… And with autumn creeping up on us and the cold weather approaching, there are even more things to consider. Which is why we are sharing our top five things to remember when planning an open-air event in autumn! 

1. Before You Plan – Get the Permits
Regardless of what time of year it is, permits should always be at the top of your list when planning an outdoor event. Once you’ve got the go-ahead, it makes planning even easier, as you’ll know your limits and can advertise, budget and plan accordingly! Nobody wants to be shut down halfway through the day… 

2. Budget for Back Ups
Autumn promises grey skies and cloudy weather – which is why you should be prepared! Though there are some sunny days throughout the season, this is never a guarantee. If you’re planning an event outdoors, it’s important to budget for backups to ensure that you and your guests can still enjoy the entertainment in the warmth and under shelter! This can be as simple as hiring in a few extra marquees just in case, as well as offering portable outdoor heaters and even fire pits. 

3. Evaluate and Plan Your Space
Whether it’s an outdoor cinema or a full-blown music festival, everything must have the right amount of space for your guests to enjoy themselves. A full evaluation of the space should be made for you to get the right stages, screens, lighting and even a generator.

4. Keep it Cosy
For autumn events to work, your visitors need to be sure that they can still enjoy themselves despite the weather. With autumn, the best thing to do is to make things cosy! Have warm food and drink available for your guests, but also add a cosy atmosphere with blankets and festoon lighting. Having a cosy atmosphere doesn’t eliminate the weather, but it can certainly make things feel far more welcoming. 

5. Rethink Your Essentials
From toilets to first aid kits, essentials are vital when it comes to any event! However, when it comes to planning an open-air event, your essentials sometimes have to be thought twice about. For example, you need to be prepared for some autumn wind – will your bins blow around and distribute rubbish everywhere? Will the toilets have warm water for guests to wash their hands in? Will there be enough food and drink vendors so guests don’t have to stand around in a line for too long? These are all important things to think about!

If you are planning an event and you are thinking about hiring a screen, get in touch to speak to a member of our team. Our screens are perfect for use in all weather, and our mobile trailer screens can be set up in as little as 30 minutes from arrival.

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