6 Ways to use a Mobile LED Screen

Mobile LED Screens are being used in innovative and exciting ways throughout the UK. If you are planning an event then the use of an LED Screen can captivate and engage your audience.

Below we have listed a few of the ways that our clients have decided to make use of our Mobile LED Screens.

Open Air Cinemas

The beloved experience of going to the cinema has been a favourite pastime for everyone since the first showing in 1895. However, with bright summer weather and large outdoor spaces, why should you limit yourself to an indoor theatre? With our mobile LED screens you can have your very own outdoor cinema! Gather a community together, sell some tickets and you can broadcast some movie magic from your chosen venue. This also works as a great fundraising opportunity!

Music Festivals

There’s nothing worse than going to a festival or a concert and not being able to see the main event. Many of our clients have deployed LED screens at either side of the stage so that they can broadcast the entertainment live. This keeps the crowd happy, especially those further back so nobody has to miss out. 

Your Own Digital Guide

When hosting a large outdoor event, it can sometimes be difficult to make sure everyone knows what’s going on and where. Having a mobile LED screen on-site near the entrance is a great way to guide visitors around your event. Many of our clients have used the screens to show a live time table and any important messages.

Sports Events

Sports events are a great way to got the local community to come together. Whether it’s a local sporting event for the town team or a live broadcast of the world cup, Mobile LED Screens are ideal for showcasing all those ‘and the crowd goes wild’ moments! 

Show Some Sponsor Love

Any event organiser will know how important it is to showcase the sponsors of the event and the people that have made it possible. A big screen is a perfect way to support your sponsors and make sure they are recognised for their support. The use of an LED Screen is a great advertising opportunity for sponsors offering it to sponsors can have a huge effect on the donations you receive.


Digital advertising on an LED screen is one of the best ways to get the attention of your audience. The bright LED display is designed to make an impact, displaying your advert on the big screen is guaranteed to turn heads.

These are just a few of the ways that Mobile LED Screens have been used to bring something new to events & businesses. If you are planning an event and you would like to speak to a member of our team about the use of a Mobile or Modular LED Screen then please get in touch. With our experience in the entertainment industry, we can help you to choose the right digital screen for you.

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