How To Make A Great Big Screen Commercial

Marketing is important for any business, and when you get the opportunity to market in an impactful way – it’s important to make the most out of it. Video digital marketing and screen advertising are both great ways to reach an audience and make an impact, but it can sometimes be a little daunting when it comes to creating the right advert. So, how do you make the most of big screen advertising? You make a great advert! How do you do that? Well… 

Focus on The First Three Seconds

They say that first impressions are important, and it is even more important with digital advertising. As a world, we are bombarded with adverts every day and most of them will just get ignored. It’s not uncommon for YouTube users to skip an ad when it plays before a video, or for users to download Ad Blockers to avoid getting ads every time they select a new page. It’s important that from the get-go, your advert is captivating. 

Bright and Colourful

One thing we are exceptionally proud of when it comes to our big screens is how bright and colourful the LED display is. They are guaranteed to turn heads and your advert should also be a head turner! If you decide to make ad advert for digital marketing, using an LED screen is a great way to get your advert seen. Make the most of being on the big screen by using bright and colourful colours that look great together and represent your brand and message. 

Target A Specific Audience

With adverts, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation – different audiences respond to different things. When designing your digital advert, it’s important to know what sort of audience you want to attract beforehand, and then work with it. By choosing an audience beforehand, you’ll be able to tailor your advert to fit that particular audience type. It makes a big difference! 

Don’t Go Overboard

Often, less is more. Though you may have a thirty-second slot on the big screen, it’s important to keep your advert concise and to the point; communicating only one message. You may offer a range of different products and services, but fitting them all in on one advert can look a little messy. Break it up a bit to avoid expressing too many concepts in one place. 

Our screens are a great advertising tool. By deploying our screens at your venue, you can showcase sponsors adverts or your own to reach a new audience. 

To find out more about our services and how we can help, please get in touch to find out more

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