Covid-19 Update

The coronavirus has presented new challenges and regulations for all of us. As always, the care of our valued customers and staff is our primary concern. 

We Are Back

During the pandemic, like many, we shut our doors to follow the government guidelines put in place in order to keep everyone safe. Although we were working remotely, we were, as always, devouted to giving our customers the best Mobile Screen Hire experience possible. 

However, we’re proudly now back in our office and are able to deliver mobile and modular LED screens for our clients! Though a lot of rules and restrictions have been lifted, we’re still doing everything we can to keep our clients, their guests, and our team as safe as possible.

How We’re Staying Safe

Though many restrictions have been lifted, and things are slowly but surely returning to ‘normal’, our team are still doing a number of things to keep everyone safe. We’re still actively following any government guidelines put in place including social distancing, regular hand washing, masks where required to do so, as well as taking regular PCR and lateral flow tests. Our team are not coming into work if they are showing any Covid-19 symptoms and are getting tested before returning.

 We’re doing everything we can to keep contact with clients to a minimum, which is why we’re utilising video calls, phone calls and communicating via email in stead of regular face to face meetings until the big day.

Our team are also regularly sanitising any equipment that goes to and leaves an event. 

We are also actively staying aware of any updates from the government regarding the ever-changing pandemic. 


Staying Informed

Like many in the event sector, our business was impacted heavily during Covid-19. Luckily, we are able to open our doors and service our clients once more. However, we know in order to keep doing this – we must continue to do everything we can to keep everyone safe.

If you have any further questions regarding our services and how we’re staying safe, please feel free to pop us a message!

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