So you have the screen, what’s next?

When planning an event, getting something new in like an LED Screen can be quite exciting. Sometimes, you may lose sight of what else you may need to amplify your event or take it to the next level. Today, we’re sharing some of the things you can use to make the most out of your big screen at your event. 


Though most mobile trailer screens come with built-in power, there are often alternatives. Using an exterior generator can sometimes be more cost-effective, and occasionally they are quieter than the built-in generators. Be sure to speak with your screen technician in advance to discuss which will work best for your venue. 

Sound Equipment

For a big screen, you need a sound system that packs a punch. Having an exterior sound system can be a great addition to any event, especially when you’re showing a live broadcast or your favourite film. Our screen technicians can help you choose the right sound equipment to pair with your screen that suits your audience size, venue and much more.


With adverts, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. Different audiences respond to different things and it’s always good to do a bit of market research to find out what appeals to your audience. 

When designing your digital advert, it’s important to know what sort of audience you want to attract, and then work with it to create this target audience. Doing this work beforehand will make a big difference to the impact of your advertising.

Keep It Simple

When it comes to marketing your products or services, it can be tempting to try and fit everything into one advert. The result of this is that the advert message becomes messy and convoluted. Don’t try and express too many concepts in one place, keep the message clear and concise and really capture the attention of your audience.

We have years of experience in the production industry so if you would like some advice on the best screen solution for your event, please get in touch.

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