Grander Grand Openings

Grander Grand Openings

Grander Grand Openings How can you make a grand opening even grander? As a business owner, the day you open your doors, whether it’s for the first time or after a refurbishment, is one you’ll never forget. But why not make it even more memorable? With a mobile LED...
Summer Cinema Events

Summer Cinema Events

Summer Cinema Events The sun is out and we are all looking forward to events over the Summer. If you want to create a special event and take advantage of the long days and the warmer temperatures, we can help. With an LED Screen, you can host private cinema events for...
The World Cup – Keeping the fans happy

The World Cup – Keeping the fans happy

The World Cup – Keeping the fans happy It’s no surprise that every football fan looks forward to The World Cup. Die-hard football fans find themselves watching every football game possible, supporting their team, enjoying the atmosphere and adrenaline. But the...
The Royal Wedding – Event Screen Hire

The Royal Wedding – Event Screen Hire

The Royal Wedding – Event Screen Hire As soon as the engagement was announced, the Royal Wedding was one of the most talked about events in 2018. Royal fans speculated and shared excitement about the event across social media. As soon as a date was set, event...

Reaching a New Audience with a Big Screen

Reaching a New Audience with a Big Screen Advertising is everywhere, every business has a name and a logo and we are bombarded with them constantly. With so much information overload, how can you make sure your message is seen and noticed by potential customers? Video...
LED Screens for Festivals

LED Screens for Festivals

Why big screens are important at Festivals Festival season is nearly upon us once again! Festivals have played a large role in the entertainment industry for countless years. Each and every successful festival heightens the bar for the next event – from the...